
ryytel ja Perceval

- Vaslez, fet il, dire te vuel
que li rois sejorne a Carduel,
et si n'a pas ancor quint jor
que li rois i ert a sejor,
que je i fui et si le vi.
Et se tu nel trueves iqui,
bien iert qui le t'anseignera :
ja si destornez ne sera
que tu la n'an oies anseignes.
Mes or te pri que tu m'anseignes
par quel non je t'apelerai.
- Sire, fet il, jel vos dirai.
J'ai non Biax Filz. - Biax Filz as ores ?
Je cuit bien que tu as ancores
.I. autre non. - Sire, par foi,
j'ai non Biau Frere. - Bien t'an croi.
Mes se tu me vials dire voir,
ton droit non voldrai ge savoir.
- Sire, fet il, bien vos puis dire
qu'a mon droit non ai non Biau Sire.
- Si m'aïst Dex, ci a biau non.
As an tu plus ?- Sire, je non,
ne onques certes plus n'an oi.
- Si m'aïst Dex, mervoilles oi,
les graignors que j'oïsse mes
ne ne cuit que j'oie jamés. »
Tantost li chevaliers s'an part
les granz galoz, cui mout fu tart
qu'il eüst les autres atainz.

siit read 333–361

"Youth, I shall tell you," he replied. "The king stays at Carlisle. He was in residence there not five days ago, for I was there and saw him. If you do not find him there, there will certainly be people to tell you where he is. He will never have traveled so far that you will fail to learn news of him. But now I beg you to instruct me by what name I shall call you."
"Sir, he said, "I shall tell you. My name is darling son."
"It is darling son? I certainly imagine you still have another name."
"Sir, on my word, my name is darling brother."
"Yes, I believe you. But if you wish to tell me the truth, I would like to know your proper name."
"Sir," he said, "I can certainly tell you. My proper name is darling little lord."
"So help me God, that is a fair name. Have you any others?"
"Sir, not I. I certainly have no others."
"So help me God, I hear the greatest wonders I have ever heard and, I believe, the greatest I shall ever hear." The knight immediately galloped off, anxious to catch up with the others.

read 333–361
lk 343–344

ema Percevalile

Biax filz, ancor vos vuel dire el :
ja an chemin ne an ostel
n'aiez longuement conpaignon
que vos ne demandiez son non;
le non sachiez a la parsome,
car par le non conuist an l'ome.
Biax filz, as prodomes parlez,
avoec les prodomes alez;
prodome ne forvoient mie
ces qui tienent lor conpaignie.

Darling son, I would still tell you more. On roadways or at inns, never have a companion for long without asking his name. Know the person's name, for by the name you will know the man.
Darling son, speak with worthy men, travel with worthy men, for worthy men do not give their companions misleading advice.

lk 346
read 555–564 ymbruses

The Story of the Grail
[Perceval,] le Conte du Graal

The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes
Translated with an introduction by David Staines

Indiana University Press: Bloomington & Indianapolis

2 kommentaari:

haldjas ütles ...

le français ? je crois que je le comprends , mais cette orthographe est terrible !!


oHpuu ütles ...

arvatavasti polnud teksti kirjutamise ajal prantsuse ortograafia pedagoogilise distsipliinina sedavõrd arenenud kui praegu. teaduse areng viimastel aastasadadel on olnud ometi meeletu.